Thursday, January 7, 2010

Christmas was so magical this year! We have one little girl who truly believes and another one who doesn't really know what to expect, but follows the lead of her big sister. We don't put any presents out until Christmas Eve for many reasons which include but are not limited to the dogs chewing off the wrapping and mauling whatever is inside as well as little girls just taking it upon themselves to see a beautifully wrapped gift and immediately start ripping it open. So needless to say when the girls, meaning Delaney, walk down the stairs on Christmas morning, eyes were bright with wonder and complete awe for what they see before them. We tell the girls they can ask for one gift from Santa. So this year we encouraged Delaney to ask for a new bike. She debated about it but really thought she wanted a scooter. Pink and purple of course. She thought that Kennedy would want a baby pink and purple scooter. Hmmm. So the request went out and we had to wait for Christmas morning to see what Santa would bring. Imagine everyones surprise and excitement when what did we find under our tree but TWO pink and purple scooters, complete with helmets and knee pads! He brought Delaney a two wheel scooter and Kennedy a three wheel "baby" scooter. That Santa is one amazing dude! Santa even knows requests that are not spoken directly to him, because not only did mommy and daddy get their presents from each other, but Santa left a new camera, a video recorder, and new Maui Jim and Revo sunglasses for them! We must have been really GOOD this year:)

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